When the pandemic started, LAN tournaments went online, thereby giving the gaming industry a fresh breath of air. What happened as a result, the society, which attended mass events such as hockey, visiting favorite movies in the cinema, stopped to draw adrenaline and get positive emotions thus moved to online games and of course the casino.
Changes have caught up with advertising tycoons, they had to renegotiate their contracts and go to the offline sphere, thus moved into the industry online games and casinos, because work there only began to increase, and thus bring even more money! Thus, trends have developed to which I ask you to pay attention.
- Trend № 1. Growth in the number of in-game integrations-before used to just standard advertising, but now it’s more complicated, for example, in the game Death Stranding appeared energy drink Monster Energy. Drinking energy drink increases the activity of the hero.
- Trend № 2. High fashion comes to cybersport – now in the video game began to go fashion houses and show us their new collections, than increased the demand for their product consumers in real life. The House of Gucci has integrated into the game Tennis Classh, with advertising on the virtual tennis courts, a clothing collection for players and an online tournament, the Gucci Open.
- Trend № 3. Products based on video games, so Lego launched its own collection of games for children and adults.
- Trend № 4. Integration in near-thematic content-for their fans began to release various themed sheets, playlists with music, characters began to animate and make different dolls, which can be collected.
- Trend № 5. New technologies and marketing tools on Twitch in 2021 were actively developing new interactive integration tools on Twitch. One of these tools was AR/VR technology. A few years ago, online viewers of the opening ceremony of the League of Legends World Championship on Twitch saw a huge digital dragon “land” on the stadium.